Christine M. Dickey (Ms. D.) 7th/8th Grade Gifted Language Arts Desert Ridge Middle School 8400 Barstow St. NE Albuquerque, NM 87122 Chamber 304 - The Realm 505-857-9282 (school) email: [email protected]
Week of 9/9/24 to 9/13/24 I took the advice of parents on open house night and created an Amazon wish list! Here's the link: Monday, 9/9/24 8th 1. D.'s Daily Journal Warm-UP (Prompt Set 1 due tomorrow!) 2. Finish Flowers for Algernon questions. Homework tonight if not finished in class. 3. (if time) more reading/discussing/annotating Flowers for Algernon
7th 1. D.'s Daily Journal Warm-Up (entries #1-10 due tomorrow!) 2. More story sharing 3. Novel tie-breaker vote
Thursday, 9/12/24 (Advisory) 8th 1. WWW List 34 Test - next week's test is a review of lists 31-34. There's no homework - just be sure to study! 2. 7th 1. WWW List 2 Part 2 Test - next week's test is a review of lists 1 and 2. There's no homework - just be sure to study! 2.
Friday, 9/13/24 8th 1. Weekly Editing 2. Flowers for Algernon - One Pager Creation - explain and start 7th 1. Grammar Grab: Subjects and Predicates! 2.
Supplies for 2024-25 * 1-inch binder with paper- this will remain in class. * Two three-hole punched folders - one for the binder one to take home any papers from the Realm * pencils (more than one!) * colored pencils OPTIONAL * Clorox wipes to donate to class * Boxes of kleenex * Roll of Paper Towels * Pack of college ruled paper to donate to the Realm * Box of pencils to donate to the Realm
Cell Phones Cell phones are not allowed in the Realm during instructional time... not even in your pocket (this includes Smart Watches!) Though technology is a useful tool, cell phones in class create more distraction than help. DRMS's cell phone policy prohibits cell phone use any time during the school day. Phones are to be powered off and kept in backpacks or in our class device depot.
Quote of the Week: "Sometimes I used big words that I don't fully understand in an effort to make myself sound more photosynthesis."